
The Darkest Part of the Night by Zodwa. Directed by Nancy Medina. The Kiln 2022

Our Generation by Alecky Blythe. Directed by Daniel Evans. National Theatre 2022.

Witness for the Prosecution by Agatha Christie. Directed by Lucy Bailey. London County Hall 2021.

One Under by Winsome Pinnock. Directed by Amit Sharma. Graeae 2019.

Andre Cheiner. Directed by David McVicar. Royal Opera House 2019.

Cost of Living by Martyna Majok. Directed by Edward Hall. Hampstead Theatre 2019.

Returning to Haifa by by Ghassan Kanafani, Adapted by Ismail Khalidi and Naomi Wallace. Directed by Caitlin McLeod. The Finborough Theatre. 2018.

The Busy World is Hushed by Keith Bunin. Directed by Paul Higgins. The Finborough Theatre. 2017.

The Crucible/Salem Witches by Arthur Miller. Directed by Robert Alfoldi. Weores Sandor Szinhaz 2018.

The Frogs by Aristophanes. Directed by Helen Eastman. Cambridge Arts Theatre 2013

Prometheus Bound. Directed by Helen Eastman. Cambridge Arts Theatre 2013

A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare. Directed by Sagovsky. Cambridge Arts Theatre 2012.